Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School every week from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. to build a deeper Biblical understanding of God’s Word. Sunday School will be led by various teachers through the year. Email the Church Office for more information.

Our Weekly Sunday School Classes:

Adult Class: Fellowship Hall (Downstairs)

Throughout the Spring (Jan-May) semester, the Adult Sunday School class will be going through Jerry Bridges' book Transforming Grace. We will consider all things related to the amazing grace of God as 8 of our leaders unpack each chapter. Join us as we seek to dig deeper in understanding the true meaning behind God's grace and all its transformative implications.

Contact Pastor Robin with any questions.

Youth [Grades 6th-12th grade]: Conference Room

The Youth will be studying the Beatitudes.

Contact Daniel Rogers with any questions.

Children's: Upstairs Children's wing

Ages 2's and 3's: Nursery

Elementary: Children's Church room

Children's Sunday School classes will continue their study of the Old Testament. Teachers will be using The Gospel Project curriculum as we walk through the books of 1 Kings - II Chronicles and the Prophets. Children ages 2 - 4 will meet in the nursery. Children grades K-2 will meet in the Children's Church room. Children grades 3-5 will meet in the staff room off the sanctuary.

Contact Stacey Purdy (Children's Director) with any questions

Previous Sunday School Classes

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Celebrating the Sovereign Grace of God

In this 5-week class, we will be teaching on the Reformed understanding of salvation. We will do so by walking through what is commonly referred to as TULIP, which describes our condition before God and His sovereign grace at work in our lives to save us. For those new to the Reformed faith of a Presbyterian Church (PCA), this is a wonderful introduction to these doctrines, which are the bedrock of our confession of faith, the Westminster Standards.

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Reformation in Motion

In this 6-week class, we will be exploring the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries. It was in the midst of this Reformation that the Presbyterian Church took root, a tradition of which we are still a part. 

We will have three distinguished scholars as guest speakers. On February 10,  Dr. Michael Graves of Wheaton College will be speaking on Augustine, the Church Father that had the greatest influence on the theology of the Reformation. On February 17, Dr. Scott Manetsch of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) will be speaking on John Calvin, whose Institutes continue to this day to be one of the most influential formulations of the Reformed faith. Finally, on February 24, Dr. Douglas Sweeney, also from TEDS, will be speaking on Jonathan Edwards, America's greatest theologian.

Each of these men are experts in their field, and it is a tremendous privilege to have them take part in this class.

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Proclaiming the Hope of Christ to One Another

In this 6-week class, we will be learning how to more effectively care for one another. This class will help us to learn how the story of our growth as believers (sanctification) fits into God's story of salvation in Christ. We will learn the tools necessary to help connect our stories to God's story by learning how to listen, ask good questions, and meaningfully point others to the good news of Jesus Christ. We will end the class by applying this approach to three common areas of difficulty in the Christian life: fear, anger, and escape.