Senior’s Ministry

The Senior Adult Community exists to extend the transforming presence of Christ to the senior adult members of Westminister, by connecting them in worship, prayer, fellowship, Scripture study, mutual ministry, and outreach.

second wednesday of every month


Men’s High Mileage Club:

The high mileage men's group has been reactivated. If you are 70, or older, or even approaching 70, you're invited to join us. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at noon at Nick's Pizza and Pub at Randall & Bowes Road in Elgin.

We trade stories, offer thanks, eat lunch and hear from a speaker from the group who volunteers.

It's a good way to get to know one another. We've been meeting for 5 or 6 years with an average attendance of 10 to 15.

TRY US, YOU'LL LIKE US. And your wives will appreciate your absence.

Questions? Contact Ken Sunderman @ 847-683-0414