Making mature disciples of Jesus Christ.
At Westminster we are committed to Christ-centered expository Bible preaching, joyful and reverent worship, rich community life, and extending the love of God to the world through missions and evangelism.
Now that we are able to meet in person for Sunday morning services, we hope you will join us for in-person worship on Sundays weekly at 10:30 a.m.
We hope you'll join us!
Our Mission
Because we are in Christ, we have new loves and a new purpose for our lives. Therefore, we seek to glorify God as we learn and teach and grow under his word, love and serve one another, and reach out to all nations with the good news of Jesus.

What We Believe
As a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), we hold to the Westminster Standards and are governed by the PCA Book of Church Order.
You can search for and watch all previous sermons from our Sunday morning services.

Our History
There’s no better place to invest than in the Kingdom of God. We offer several easy ways that you can help the ministries of WPC further the Kingdom of God.